
Environment & Energy Management




College of Business Management

Course Detail

CBM’s PhD program in Environment and Energy Management is a rigorous, interdisciplinary research program focusing on building theoretical models in the area of energy and/or environment. The research develops models relating to areas such as energy supply, sufficiency, and security for meeting future energy requirements. The models may also focus on environmental sustainability, impact models and trends relating to water supply, air quality, waste, etc.

MS or equivalent graduates from HEC-recognized institutions meeting the following criteria:

    • A minimum CGPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 (or overall 60% marks) or equivalent
    • A minimum of 18 years of schooling that corresponds to MS / MPhil or equivalent degree from HEC-recognized institutions in a relevant discipline
    • GRE subject-specific or GAT subject test conducted by the NTS, HAT subject test of HEC or equivalent in the relevant discipline. A minimum of 60% (percentage) marks are required or a minimum of 70% marks in IoBM test
    • An interview conducted by the Institute
    • All other HEC stipulated requirements
    • Complete deficiency courses

PhD requires completion of course work and dissertation/thesis. Minimum duration is 3 years and maximum is 5 years:

    • PhD course work requirements consist of six graduate level courses (18 credit hours)
    • Student are awarded 30 credits on completion of dissertation/thesis

A PhD student must additionally complete the following requirements:

    • Comprehensive Exam
    • PhD proposal/synopsis development
    • PhD proposal/synopsis defense
    • BASR approval of PhD proposal/synopsis
    • Continuous enrollment in supervised research courses is necessary during the research thesis stage
    • Completion of PhD dissertation/thesis
    • Selection of external evaluators by BASR
    • Publication of at least one paper in an ISI indexed or an HEC recognized journal or an official acceptance of the paper
    • Evaluation of PhD Dissertation by two foreign faculty members from developed countries as per HEC criteria
    • Dissertation/thesis finalization
    • Open defense of PhD dissertation
    • Any other HEC requirement
    • Final dissertation/thesis submission to BASR

Research Publication requirement for intake from Fall-2021: Each PhD scholar shall be required to publish at least one research paper based on dissertation as a first author along with his/her supervisor/co-supervisor in Clarivate Analytics Impact Factor Journal listed in Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Group).

Pre-Requisite Courses

The interview committee may prescribe certain pre-requisite courses.

Semester One

EEM701 Methods and Issues in Advanced Qualitative Research EEM702 Methods and Issues in Advanced Quantitative Research

Semester Two

EEM703 Current Advancement and Trends in Environment and Energy Management EEM704 Independent Study in Environment and Renewable Energy Management

Semester Three

Elective Courses (any two)

EEM801 Advanced Environment Toxicology & Epidemiology

EEM802 Advanced Pollution Control Technologies and Mitigation Options EEM803 Advances in Green Technology Mechanism

EEM804 Disaster Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies EEM805 Trade and Environment

EEM806 Sustainability and Conservation of Major Ecosystems

Semester Four to Nine EEM921 Research thesis EEM922 Research thesis EEM923 Research thesis

It is mandatory for research students of MPhil and PhD programs to attend research proposal / thesis defense / multi-disciplinary research seminars in each semester. Students must dedicate Saturdays (12:00 to 2:00 PM) for this attendance.

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