
Computer Science




College of Computer Sciences & Information Systems

Course Detail

The graduates of this program would have the confidence and skills to design ICT solutions and become technology entrepreneurs. The graduates may also join careers as software engineers and may move on to become analysts, designers, and architects in software houses or be freelance solution providers. They may also go into management careers that require strong analytical skills.

The program emphasizes the need for overall development including exposure to an integrated series of courses in technology, methodology, social sciences, liberal arts, and management. Project-based software development along with research assignments are also emphasized. These courses seek to impart a broad and deep knowledge of the theory, design, and application of digital computers and information processing techniques. The curriculum has been designed to prepare students to serve the productive needs of Pakistan’s software industry. It requires completion of 138 credit hours of course work. Students are required to take 43 courses (including Final Year Project and relevant labs) & internship, approved by the Institute, in order to complete their degree requirements. Students must maintain a CGPA of 2.5 for the conferment of the degree.

BS Computer Science students learn to:

  • To enable the graduates to apply knowledge gained during the program effectively and efficiently in software industry

  • To contribute, manage, and lead, computer science and software development teams

  • To actively pursue lifelong learning and innovation skills

  • To equip graduates with latest software tools and techniques

  • To groom graduates to occupy senior technical and managerial positions

  • To successfully bring innovation in IT technology as a whole

Learning Outcomes for BS Computer Science Students include:

1. Successfully bring innovation in IT technology
2. To analyze, identify computing requirements appropriate to solution 3. Appreciate the challenges of IT industry with global changes
4. An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics in IT 5. To design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system


Mission Statement of Computer Science

To deliver a high-caliber education in Computer Science and Information Technology with the aim of cultivating graduates who possess comprehensive knowledge, critical thinking, scientific, technological, ethical, moral, and professional proficiency, enabling them to play a pivotal role in the ongoing technological evolution of both local and global communities for national socioeconomic progress.

Read more about Outcome-based Education (OBE)

  • Effectively communicating computing concepts and solutions 
  • Develop sustainable solutions to computational problems
  • Exhibit computing expertise through corporate leadership
  • Develop analytical skills to gauge IT-based business operations
  1. Computer Programmer
  2. Software/Web Developer
  3. System Analyst
  4. Database Administrator 
  5. Network Administrator 
  6. Information Security Analyst 
Area  Course Code/Title
Accounting ACC101 Introduction to Financial Accounting
Communication COM107 Academic English
COM202 Business and Professional Speech
COM205 Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Bus. Com
Economics ECO104 Micro and Macroeconomics
Management MAN101 Principles of Management
MAN411 Project Management
Information Technology CSC111   Information & Communication Technology
CSC111   Information & Communication Technology Lab
CSC219  Professional Practices
Language LAN 10* Foreign Language I
LAN 20** Foreign Language II
*1 = Introduction to Arabic
*2 = Introduction to French
*4 = Introduction to German
*6 = Introduction to Italian
*8 = Introduction to Chinese
**1 = Intermediate Arabic
**2 = Intermediate French
**4 = Intermediate German
**6 = Intermediate Italian
**8 = Intermediate Chinese
Physics PHY111 Applied Physics
Mathematics MTH107 Calculus and Analytical Geometry
MTH204 Linear Algebra
Statistics STA203 Probability Theory and Statistics
Political Sciences PSC301 Pakistan Studies
Religious Studies REL101 Islamic Studies

*Indicates MBA level courses

CSC113 Programming Fundamentals
CSC113 Programming Fundamentals LAB
CSC213 Object Oriented Programming
CSC213 Object Oriented Programming LAB
CSC215 Data Structures &Algorithm
CSC215 Data Structures &Algorithm LAB
CSC217  Intro to Database Systems
CSC217 Intro to Database Systems LAB
CSC231 Discrete Structures
CSC313 Operating Systems
CSC313 Operating Systems LAB
CSC317 Intro to Software Engineering
CSC319  Computer Networks
CSC319  Computer Networks LAB
CSC419 Information Security
CSC491 Final Year Project (FYP) I
CSC492 Final Year Project (FYP) II

CSC115 Digital Logic & Design
CSC115 Digital Logic & Design LAB
CSC211 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
CSC211 Computer Organization and Assembly Language LAB
CSC311 Theory of Automata & Formal Language
CSC315 Design & Analysis of Algorithm
CSC411 Compiler Construction
CSC413 Artificial Intelligence
CSC413 Artificial Intelligence LAB
CSC418 Parallel & Distributed Computing

CSC233 Multivariable Calculus
CSC331Differential Equation
CSC333Numerical Computing

CSC371 Computer Graphics
CSC372 Human Computer Interaction
CSC373 Web Engineering
CSC374 Mobile Application Development
CSC471 Database Administration and Management
CSC472 Visual Programming
CSC473 Enterprise Systems
CSC474 Data Warehousing
CSC475 Big Data Analytics
CSC476 E-Commerce
CSC477 IT Infrastructure
CSC478 Digital Image Processing
CSC479 Digital Signal Processing
CSC481 Software Quality Assurance
CSC482 Formal Methods in Software Engineering
CSC483 Information Security Audit
CSC484 Network Security
CSC485 Cyber Security
CSC486 Wireless Network
CSC487 Neural Network
CSC488 Fuzzy Logic

Semester One Semester Two Semester Three Semester Four

Intro to Information & Comm. Technology (2+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Intro to Information & Comm. Technology LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. NA]
Programming Fundamentals (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Programming Fundamentals LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. NA]
Calculus and Analytical Geometry (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Academic English (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Applied Physics (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]


Digital Logic & Design (3+0) [Pre Req. PHY111]
Digital Logic & Design LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. PHY111
Object Oriented Programming (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC113]
Object Oriented Programming LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. CSC113]
Probability Theory and Statistics (3+0) [Pre Req.NA]
Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Bus. Comm. (3+0) [Pre Req. COM107]
Micro and Macroeconomics (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]

Computer Organization & Assembly Language (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Computer Org. & Assembly Language LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. NA]
Data Structures and Algorithms (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC213]
Data Structures and Algorithms LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. CSC213]
Discrete Structures (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Professional Practices (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Multivariable Calculus (3+0) [Pre Req. MTH107]

Theory of Automata & Formal Language (3+0) [Pre. Req. CSC231]
Introduction to Database Systems (3+0) [Pre. Req. CSC215]
Introduction to Database Systems LAB (0+1) [Pre. Req. CSC215]
Linear Algebra (3+0) [Pre. Req. MTH107]
Principles of Management (3+0) [Pre. Req. NA]
Operating Systems (3+0) [Pre. Req. CSC215]
Operating Systems LAB (0+1) [Pre. Req. CSC215]

 Semester Five Semester Six Semester Seven Semester Eight

Design & Analysis of Algorithms (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC215]
Complier Construction (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC311]
Differential Equations (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC233]
Foreign Language l (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Introduction to Software Engineering (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Numerical Computing (3+0) [Pre Req. MTH204

Artificial Intelligence (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC231]
Artificial Intelligence LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. CSC231]
Computer Networks (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Computer Networks LAB (0+1) [Pre Req. NA]
CS Elective l (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
CS Elective II (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Business & Professional Speech (3+0) [Pre Req. COM107]

CS Elective III (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
CS Elective IV (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
FYP l (0+3) [Pre Req. CSC317]
Foreign Language ll (3+0) [Pre Req. LAN10x]
Parallel & Distributed Computing (3+0) [Pre Req. CSC313]
Pakistan Studies (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]

CS Elective V (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Project Management (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
FYP ll (0+3) [Pre Req. CSC491]
Information Security (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Islamic Studies (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]
Introduction to Financial Accounting (3+0) [Pre Req. NA]

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