
Mathematics and Statistics




College of Computer Sciences & Information Systems

Course Detail

BS (Mathematics & Economics) is an inter-disciplinary undergraduate program for students with robust mathematical skills and keen interest in economics. This program is a perfect blend of pure and applied mathematics which does not only ensure a solid quantitative foundation for both disciplines but also provide phenomenal coverage of Statistics, Actuarial sciences and Finance. The training this degree provides is a unification of critical economic analysis and strong mathematical skills, which can help student pursue an esteemed position in financial services industry, growth and development centers, business enterprises, as well as public sector. Graduates with this degree are increasingly valued by employers because of their critical reasoning and sound knowledge as much of the economic theory is currently presented in terms of mathematical models. This opens more career options than the ones traditionally available to either mathematics or economics majors. This degree is also a paragon for those who aim for Master/ Doctoral degree in Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Sciences or other related fields. 

The BS (Mathematics & Economics) is a four-year program. Applicants who have successfully completed H.Sc with minimum 50% marks in Pre-Engineering or in General Group (with Mathematics) or A-Levels with a minimum 2 Cs in three principal subjects (with Mathematics) are eligible to apply for admission. Graduation requirement is the completion of 141 credit hours of course work and 3 credit hours of project approved by college. Students must take a minimum load of 12 credit hours (four courses) or a maximum load of 18 credit hours (six courses) in a semester. In order to obtain the BS degree in four years, a student is required to cover twelve courses in a year. Full load of six courses can be taken each in the Fall and Spring semesters with an option of four courses in the latter and making up for the short fall in summer session. Students must maintain a CGPA of 2.5 for the conferment of degree.

BS Mathematics and Economics students learn to:

  • An ability to develop mathematical thinking, evolving from a computational / procedural understanding of mathematics to a broad understanding that involves logical reasoning, generalization, inference and formal proof.

  • Learn the fundamental aspects of economics, formulation and use of quantitative models arising in social science, business and other contexts.

  • Acquire an understanding of basic pure mathematics, and of the role of logical argument in mathematics.

  • Learn to use basic econometric methods to quantify uncertainty with confidence intervals; use regression to infer causal relationships; and use regressions for prediction

Learning Outcomes for Business Analytics Students include:

  1. An ability to communicate effectively with the educational and business community and with society at large about mathematical and economical principles, concepts, and solution to problems with precision and adherence in written, oral and graphical form about concrete questions and to prepare well-organized written arguments that clearly state assumptions/ hypotheses supported by evidence.

  2. An ability to optimally apply economic analysis to everyday economic problems in the real world. This shall allow them to understand current events and evaluate potential policy proposals. Moreover, an appreciation shall be developed to evaluate the role played by assumptions in situations that reach various conclusions to a specific economic or policy problem.

  3. Be equipped with skills to apply optimization models to consumer, producer, and market theories and to use game theory to analyze the strategic behavior of individuals and firms.

  4. Be equipped with the investigative skills necessary for conducting original economic research and participating effectively in project teams.

Career Path
  • Data analyst

  • Investment analyst

  • Research scientist

  • Statistician

Area  Course Code/Title
Mathematics MTH104 Calculus I
MTH105 Calculus II
MTH203 Introduction to Formal Mathematics
MTH204 Linear Algebra
MTH213 Introduction to Computing
MTH224 Multivariable Calculus
MTH251 Number theory
MTH301 Real Analysis I
MTH311 Real Analysis II
MTH344 Introduction to Differential Equations
MTH346 Partial Differential Equations
MTH350 Topics in Mathematical Economics
MTH405 Numerical Analysis
MTH427 Topology
MTH401 Complex Analysis
MTH433 Optimization Techniques
MTH437 Functional Analysis
Economics ECO101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO102 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO103 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO105 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO207 Game Theory
ECO208 Development Economics
ECO301 Managerial Economics
ECO302 International Trade
ECO303 Financial Economics
ECO307 Monetary theory and Policy
ECO402 Pakistan Economic Policy
ECO410 Econometrics I
ECO412 Econometrics II
Management Information System MIS402 Computer Concepts and Applications
Political Sciences PSC301 Pakistan Studies
Religious Studies REL101 Islamic Studies
Statistics STA203 Probability Theory and Statistics
STA301 Model and Inference
STA302 Methods of Data Analysis
STA303 Time Series Analysis
STA305 Applied Regression Analysis
Communication COM107 Academic English
COM202 Business and Professional Speech
COM203 Methods in Business Writing
Language LAN 10* Foreign Language I
LAN 20** Foreign Language II
*1 = Introduction to Arabic
*2 = Introduction to French
*4 = Introduction to German
*6 = Introduction to Italian
*8 = Introduction to Chinese
**1 = Intermediate Arabic
**2 = Intermediate French
**4 = Intermediate German
**6 = Intermediate Italian
**8 = Intermediate Chinese
Area  Course Code/Title
Mathematics MTH211 Actuarial Mathematics
MTH205 Financial Mathematics
MTH207 Stochastic Models and Mathematical Finance
MTH421 Abstract Algebra
MTH423 Combinatorics
MTH430 Operations Research
MTH439 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Economics ECO305 Topics in Microeconomics
ECO306 Topics in Macroeconomics
ECO414 Islamic Economics
ECO416 Growth Theories
ECO418 Resource & Environmental Economics
ECOXXX Energy Economics
ECOXXX Public Finance
ECOXXX Economics of Logistics
ECOXXX History of Economics Idea
ECOXXX Agronomics
Semester One Semester Two Semester Three Semester Four
Islamic studies
Academic English
Principles of Microeconomics
Calculus I
Foreign Language I
Computer concepts and applications
Pakistan Studies
Methods in Business Writing
Principles of Macroeconomics
Calculus II
Foreign Language II
Probability & Statistics
Business and Professional Speech
Intermediate Microeconomics
Model and inference
Introduction to Formal Mathematics
Multi variable Calculus
Introduction to Computing
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Development Economics
Game Theory
Methods of Data Analysis
Number theory
Linear Algebra
Semester Five Semester Six Semester Seven Semester Eight
International Trade
Managerial Economics
Applied Regression Analysis
Topics in Mathematical Economics
Real Analysis I
Introduction to Differential Equations
Monetary theory & Policy
Financial Economics
Econometrics I
Numerical Analysis
Real Analysis II
Partial Differential Equations
Econometrics II
Pakistan Economic Policy
Complex Analysis
Economics Elective I
Mathematics Elective I
Time Series Analysis
Optimization Techniques
Functional Analysis
Economics Elective II
Mathematics Elective II

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