

The Institute of Business Management (IoBM) aims to ensure a safe and pleasant environment for all its students, faculty, management, all stakeholders and individual visitors who access its facilities and services. This applies to all environments including social media.

For the purposes of these guidelines, the term Social Media refers to online channels of communication that allow users to interact in the public domain by sharing information, opinions, knowledge and interest.

It includes, but is not limited to, social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, wikis and blogs.

IoBM has a number of official accounts on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube where the opinions expressed and information shared reflect the views of IoBM as a corporate body.


Purposes And Objectives


These guidelines are designed to provide advice and guidance to IoBM students and employees who are using (or considering using) social media in any capacity.

It has been compiled to assist students and employees to understand the reputational, legal and ethical implications of engaging in online communication of this nature, what can happen if social media is misused, and how to safeguard students’ and employees wellbeing, personal security, current/future career prospects and the reputation of IoBM.

Misuse of Social Media


Staying Safe Online



  • It is the responsibility of students and employees to:
    • read and act in accordance with these guidelines.
    • read and act in accordance with the rules and guidelines set out by individual Social Media, Social Networking and Website Hosting companies and providers
    • Consult with IoBM Social Media Cell and where relevant seek ethical approval before posting, as part of your studies / research, pictures, videos or comments through social media that could be viewed as offensive or as bringing the University into disrepute.


  • It is the responsibility of the University to:
    • ensure these guidelines are highlighted to students during the Admission process and employees

o ensure these guidelines are highlighted at student and employee induction sessions

o ensure these guidelines are published on the University website

o monitor Institute of Business Management social networking sites and remove inappropriate content

  • Remember that you are representing the University at all times when posting comments or responding to those made by others.
  • Social media sites should not be used for raising and escalating concerns relating to your course, the University, or any members of the University. Seek advice from the relevant department if you have any concerns.
  • Ensure that you do not reveal confidential information about the University or its staff, students, partner organisations or stakeholders.
  • Comply with relevant professional codes when using social media as part a research study or project.
  • Ensure you do not use your site or pages in any way that may compromise your current or future fitness to practice or employability.
  • Obtain permission from the IoBM Social Media Cell before using the University’s brand.
  • Consult the PR Department if there is any media interest resulting from your online activity.

Be aware that third parties can access profiles and view personal information. This includes pictures, videos, comments and posters. Inappropriate material found by third parties affects the perception of the student and the Institute and can have a negative impact on a student’s future prospects.

  • Communication made in a personal capacity through social media must not:

o be unlawful – i.e. breach any Pakistan’s criminal and/or civil legislation,

o include anything that could be considered discriminatory against, or bullying or harassment of, any individual. This includes:

  • making offensive or derogatory comments relating to sex, gender reassignment, race (including nationality), disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief or age
  • using social media to bully another individual or
  • posting images that are discriminatory/offensive or links to such content

o include defamatory comments about individuals or other groups

o bring disrepute upon the University e.g. posting images or links to content likely to bring the University into disrepute. This includes:

  • breach copyright e.g. using someone else’s images or content without permission; failing to give acknowledgement where permission has been given to reproduce something;
  • breach confidentiality e.g. revealing confidential information owned by the Institute; giving away confidential information about an individual or organisation.
  • use the Institute’s logo on personal social media sites

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+9221 111-002-004 (547, 548 & 549)