
Accounting & Finance




College of Business Management

Course Detail

BS (Joint) Honors in Accounting and Finance prepares graduates for professional careers in finance and accounting in the corporate and financial sectors. It requires the completion of 144 credit hours of course work and relevant internship of at least nine weeks in an approved firm. The program offers 66 credit hours of business and social sciences courses with intensive coverage of 78 credit hours of Finance and Accounting related courses designed to develop well-rounded professionals who are regarded as go-getters in the industry. Graduates of this program are usually recruited in the field in investment, portfolio, debt and equity market, audit, banking, research as well as other fields offered by financial institutions.

Students are required to complete 13 general education courses in first four semesters otherwise the student will not be allowed to proceed to the fifth semester. Four hours of lab session are required every week for four semesters in order to complete the requirement to graduate. BS (ACF) is a double major program in which students are required to take six major elective courses of Accounting and 6 major elective courses of Finance. Students of this program can avail up to eight module exemption in ACCA from ACCA Accelerated Program with IoBM.

The curriculum is also mapped with CFA Institute USA. Students can avail CFA scholarship given under the University Affiliation Program of CFA Institute.Furthermore, ICAP recognizes IoBM as Relevant Degree Awarding Institute (RDA) enabling students to get exemption from all four papers of Assessment of Fundamental Competencies (AFC) and the first four papers of Certificate in Accounting and Finance (CAF).

Learn about the components of the financial system and how it impacts upon financial decisions in an organization

  • Identify and analyze business problems and opportunities and formulate recommendations for courses of action.
  • Interpret and analyze accounting information for internal control, planning, performance evaluation, and coordination to continuously improve business processes.
  • Recognize the social, legal and economic contexts within a business domain to complete tasks pertaining to accounting and finance
  1. Financial Analyst
  2. Assistant Fund Managers
  3. Auditors
  4. Equity and Securities Trader
  5. Banking Executives
  6. Tax Analysts

SSC101 Introduction to Psychology
SSC301 History of Ideas
SSC401 Business Ethics
LAW409 Corporate & Business Law
MTH102 Business Mathematics
STA203 Probability Theory & Statistics
COM107 Academic English
COM205 Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Business Communication
COM202 Business & Professional Speech
REL101 Islamic Studies
PSC301 Pakistan Studies
LAN 10* Foreign Language I
LAN 20** Foreign Language II
*1 = Introduction to Arabic *2 = Introduction to French
*4 = Introduction to German *6 = Introduction to Italian
*8 = Introduction to Chinese
**1 = Intermediate Arabic **2 = Intermediate French
**4 = Intermediate German **6 = Intermediate Italian
**8 = Intermediate Chinese

MTH100 Basic Mathematics ***
COM100 Foundation English***
(*** Remedial non-credit course to be taken by those students who have not been able to reach the desired level of competence in the admission test.)


ACC101 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC201 Intermediate Financial Accounting
ACC350 Cost & Management Accounting
ACC503 Taxation
ACC530 Financial Regulation & Reporting
ISF201 Islamic Financial Accounting
ACC531 Business Research Project


FIN201 Introduction to Business Finance
FIN202 Financial Management
FIN301 Financial Institution
FIN503 Corporate Finance
FIN613 Financial Modeling for Decision Making
ISF101 Introduction to Islamic Banking & Finance
FIN537 Business Research Project

Distribution Courses

MAN306 Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior
MAN309 Leadership Journey
ECO402 Pakistan Economic Policy
MAN405 Strategic Management
MIS402 Computer Concepts and Application
MKT201 Marketing Management (Level 1)
ECO101 Principles of Micro Economics
ECO102 Principles of Macro Economics
STA301 Model and Inferences

Accounting Major Electives (6 courses)

ACC302 Accounting and Financial Information Systems
ACC405 Internal Audit and EDP Accounting
ACC501 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC505 Auditing
ACC520 Managerial Analysis and Decision Making
ACC521 International Financial Reporting Standards
ACC524 Corporate Governance and Reporting
ACC533 Accounting for Specialized Businesses
ACC534 International Financial Reporting Standards II
ACC535 Sustainable Accounting Practices
LAW202 Banking Laws in Pakistan
LAW203 Insurance Laws in Pakistan

Finance Major Electives (6 courses)

FIN504 International Finance
FIN505 Treasury & Fund Management
FIN507 Portfolio Management
FIN509 Financial Derivatives
FIN511 Analysis of Financial Statements
FIN513 Project Appraisal
FIN520 Financial Risk Management
FIN530 Commercial & Corporate Banking
FIN534 Retail & Consumer Banking
FIN541 Technical Analysis
FIN542 Financial Forecasting & Planning
FIN544 FINTECH & Digital Finance
FIN546 Budgeting & Performance Reporting

*Students must take a minimum load of twelve credit hours (four courses) or a maximum load of eighteen credit hours (six courses) in a semester. To obtain the BS (Joint) Honors Accounting and Finance degree in four years, they need to complete twelve courses in a year. A full load of six courses can be taken each in Fall and Spring semesters with an option for fewer courses in the latter and making up for the shortfall in the summer session.

Semester One Semester Two Semester Three Semester Four

Introduction to Psychology
Islamic Studies
Business Mathematics
Business Ethics
Academic English
Principles of Micro Economics

History of Ideas
Foreign Language I
Probability Theory & Statistics
Corporate & Business Law
Persuasive & Analytical Writing for Business Communication
Introduction to Financial Accounting

Principles of Macro Economics
Computer Concepts and Application
Foreign Language II
Pakistan Studies
Business & Professional Speech
Intermediate Financial Accounting

Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior
Cost and Management Accounting
Financial Regulation and Reporting
Model & Inferences
Introduction to Business Finance

Semester Five Semester Six Semester Seven Semester Eight

Marketing Management (Level 1)
Financial Institutions
Accounting Elective I
Accounting Elective II
Accounting Elective III
Financial Management

Leadership Journey
Accounting Elective IV
Accounting Elective V
Accounting Elective VI
Introduction to Islamic Banking and Finance
Corporate Finance

Pakistan Economic Policy
Financial Modeling for Decision Making
Finance Elective I
Islamic Financial Accounting
Business Research Project (Accounting)
Finance Elective II

Finance Elective III
Finance Elective IV
Finance Elective V
Finance Elective VI
Strategic Management
Business Research Project (Finance)

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